hye peeps!wah..hari nie ifa kena tag la!!
lama dah xmain tag2 nie..haha..=p
baby yang ifa baru kenal rasanya..hiii
tq so much dear..=)
ok ni dia tag nyer yer..
1- Name one person who made u laugh last night?
my bebeh!miahaha
2- What were u doing 1 hour ago?
erm..blogwalking..playing with cik tom *my new kitten okie..hihi
3- What was da last thing you said out loud?
"cik tom..owh cik tom!" miahaha..panggil cik tom suh makan
4- Where's da next place you're going to?
makdek hostel!nak gi amik keta makdek..nak tukar viper..lala..
5- What was da last thing u paid for?
erm..topup kot??haha..lupe..lama dh xkuar beli belah..=p
6- Where were u last nite?
in my room!sleepping lorh..=)
7- What's da best ice-cream flavour?
8- Do u wanna cut your hair?
yup!to long odi n..its odi more than 3month i didnt cut my hair!gosh!
9- Do u love to 'melatah'?
10- If that so(melatah), what will u said out loud?
me x melatah..so nothing la..=p
11- What does da last text-msg received say?
12- Will u get married in da future?
insyaallah..doa2kan la..hihi..sape l a my future hubby ye??
13- Do u chew on your straw?
14- Do u make-up your own words?
erm...ntah xtau la..xingat..haha
15- Is there anyone u like/love right now?
16- Tag to other 5 bloggers/more
erm..sape2 yg sudi amik tag nie..amik la!ifa bagi!hahaa...=p
okie done!hihi!..=)