Sunday, May 2, 2010


i'll lend u my shoulder for u to cry on...
my ears to listen to...
my hands for u to hold on...
my feet to walk with u...
but i can't lend u my heart...
coz it already belongs to my bebeh...=)

im very sorry to all my boy-friends (kwn lelaki ok)...who want me to be their gf...i cant accept it..coz i dont want to involved in any serious relationship during da time u guys approched me..erm..dunno y..n mybe u guys yg slh anggap my perangai towards u very simple n selambe person mmg mlayan org ngn baek..sume org ok..n im happy coz i dont accept u guys..=)...coz until noe u guys became my good friends rite??

n noe..i lovessssss bff..bebeh@bea..=)..we juz a very good friend..nothing else ok..hahaha..but im very happy wif him..he is a kind person..very lovely...passion...cute...sgt suci mse mule2 kenal me in wut ever situation...feel safe wif him...dunno y..xpenah sgt percaye ngn guys ok..wif sgt percaye kdg2 die sgt pun jadi sgt takut..haha...

p/s:ok bebeh..sila jgn bangga diri sgt sekiranya anda membaca post ini..hahaha..=)

1 comment:

tiefazatie said...

sy syg bebeh sy!!!hihi

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