Monday, May 3, 2010

life at home.. kn..ble my parents nk anta my sis pg mum tnye "nk burger ape???"..haha...mkn lg...miahaha..hrp2 la kalu jumpe kema nt die xckp i makin gemok ok..huhu..kalu die ckp i gemok..konpem i diet ketat blik nt..hahaha...ok berbalik pd cte td..i pun ngn selambe tnye.."burger yg best tue ek mak??" mum jwb.."ye la..."..i pun jwb"ok..nk ayam la..."..hahha..tolong la..pttnye jwb.."xpe la mak..len kali je.." mg jrg pun my beli burger best tue..hahha

pe la i nie kan...kate nk diet..nie mlm2 pg hentam burger lg..but dat burger is sooooo nice ok???sgt best!bebeh..if u come here..i will spend u dat burger..haha..murah je pun..miahaha..later i will upload da pic to dis post hp need to charge little sis men lg hp td...sibuk die amik pic lg..haha..later if i found da best pic her take..i will upload again k..

erm..n my little sis tue tgk video plik ok kt utube!!!terkejut sy!hahhaha..die ngah tgk cte kartun..n then myb video tue under tajuk yg she juz tekan n wait how to make up ok???hahaha..punye la dasat..i pun xtgk video how to make kt utube..die blh tgk plak..haha..ble tegur nape tgk..die ckp..biar dad ketawe je..haha..

n then..mule la die msk bilik i...belek2 brg make up i..pastu tnye lg..ade x yg cm kt utube tue??hahaha..jd i pun tunjuk je la..n then explain..die kecik no need make up...hahha...nasib die phm..but..budak kecik kn..nk juga tau..n then terpakse make promise..if hangout..i will make up her...juz a simple make up..haha..budak2...ade2 je la kn..hihihi..

ow ye..lg 1..mybe tomolo i will hangout wif kema!!!hahaha..tue pun i msg die td..coz esok kdt expired kena msg to inform her juz wait tomolo..if we go hangout together..i will make sure dat i do an entry about it..hihihi...

ok..nie la burger yang best+marvellous+sihat+cukup segalanya!!

1 comment:

tiefazatie said...

suka burger nie!hihi

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