firstly..mule2 sy agak blur ble princess tinggal msg bgtau im tagged by her..pastue sy pun pegi la usha blog die..baru la sy phm pe benda kena jalan tugas yg diberikan la ni baru 1st time kena tag ok..tue yg blur..harap maklum..=p..ok nie ialah duty yg pertama:
1. Go to your photo files, select the 8th photo folder.
2. Select the 8th photo in that folder.
3. Post that photo along with the story behind it.
4. Then challenge 8 blogging friend to do the same.
ok..nie la pic yg terdapat dlm folder sy "family"..mase nie bulan kteorg decide nak buke pose kt pantai batu burok dekat ngn umah sy tue..kteorg kan baru duk k.tganu agak pelik la ngn org cni..suke bebenor lepak kt batu burok tue..xpaham sy..huuu..=(..bkn best pn..laut situ xleh mandi pun..pastu angin kuat gle ok..mase time nie pun angin sgt kuat..sabar je la..haha..mmg agak lucu ok..nie la 1st time n da last time kteorg wat cmnie..haha...xmo dh..myusahkan je..haha..owh ye..lupe plak..dlm pic nie ialah mak sy..faisal..ajie..tajuk folder pun family kan2..ok tue je la yg sy nak cte..=)
2. Select the 8th photo in that folder.
3. Post that photo along with the story behind it.
4. Then challenge 8 blogging friend to do the same.

okie dah setel...duty yg kedua ialah...
It's harder than it looks..
It's harder than it looks..
Copy to your own notes...Erase my answers...
Enter yours and tag 8 person...
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions...
They have to be real...Nothing made up...
If the person before u had the same first initial, you must use different answers...You cannot use any words twice...
and You can't use your name for the boy / girl name question.
Enter yours and tag 8 person...
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions...
They have to be real...Nothing made up...
If the person before u had the same first initial, you must use different answers...You cannot use any words twice...
and You can't use your name for the boy / girl name question.
1. What is your name : Tiefazatie
2. A four letter word : Talk
3. A boy's name : Terry
4. A girl's name : Thelma
5. An occupation : Teacher
6. A colour : Tango
7. Something you wear : Tshirt
8. A food : Tiramisu cake
9. Something found in the bathroom : Towel
10. A place : Tawau
11. A reason for being late : Tertido
12. Something u shout : Tipu!!!!Jgn men2 ngn sy!
13. A movie title : Trueblood!
14. Something u drink : Twister orange juice
15. A musical group : Tilu
16. An animal : Tikus
17. A street name : Tan Cheng Lok Street
18. A type of car : Toyota
yes!dats it!finish!ffuuuhhhhh!
punya men lama mo buat bah!
so..da lucky 8person i choose are:
1. icee
2. anato
4. sky8men
5. koru
6. yanakenja
7. mieya
8. yashapinky
so..kawan2 yg sy tag nie jgn marah ye..suke2 je nie k..=)
2. A four letter word : Talk
3. A boy's name : Terry
4. A girl's name : Thelma
5. An occupation : Teacher
6. A colour : Tango
7. Something you wear : Tshirt
8. A food : Tiramisu cake
9. Something found in the bathroom : Towel
10. A place : Tawau
11. A reason for being late : Tertido
12. Something u shout : Tipu!!!!Jgn men2 ngn sy!
13. A movie title : Trueblood!
14. Something u drink : Twister orange juice
15. A musical group : Tilu
16. An animal : Tikus
17. A street name : Tan Cheng Lok Street
18. A type of car : Toyota
yes!dats it!finish!ffuuuhhhhh!
punya men lama mo buat bah!
so..da lucky 8person i choose are:
1. icee
2. anato
4. sky8men
5. koru
6. yanakenja
7. mieya
8. yashapinky
so..kawan2 yg sy tag nie jgn marah ye..suke2 je nie k..=)
1 comment:
seronok pe men tag2 nie..kan2..=)
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